Dec 3, 2008

Wed Morning Fiver

By the way a Fiver is a Brit term for £5.

  • Howling Rain - Goodbye Ruby - A new band for me, but I like what I am hearing so far.
  • Bushspeak - Vol2, Fore More Years - Not sure what will happen to the market of desk calendars and comedians over the next 4 years.
  • Days of the New - Solitude - I still like listening to the original band, 10+ years later. A good mix of bluegrass and rock.
  • Alice in Chains - Brush Away - Most likely my favorite band from the Grunge era. Too bad about Layne Staley. Troubled souls tend to make some of the best music.
  • Stained - Layne - Ironic? The next song was a tribute to Layne.

Not too bad of a mix to start a sub-freezing day here in Grey Town.