Dec 10, 2008

Random Thoughts

  • 10 more days until I am home for a few weeks and Nicole is finished with school for the semester and home for good.
  • I am not sure I could handle what she is doing in school. I guess a lot of the natural science part of brain has been replaced with building science.
  • I have never lived anywhere that the temperature was consistently cold. It would be nice to have one of those 50-60 degree days that I have grown accustomed to.
  • A friend of ours here competed in the Western Australian Ironman over the weekend. He completed the 2.4 mi. swim - 112 mi. bike - 26.2 mi. run in 9 hr 48 mins. Congrats Jack! Now enjoy Australia and New Zealand. I have pondered how long it would take me to complete the course, it is just a tough deal for me to fathom with my level of exercise. But a nice 8 mi hike would do me some good about now.
  • I am reading Slash's biography, Obama's first book and a book by Bill Bryson on the UK. All are shaping up nicely and are hard to put down.
  • NFL Football is looking good. I must be dreaming that 'fins are tied for first after winning 1 game last year. Panthers are in decent shape also. Might be a good year to watch the playoffs.
  • As far as sports, it is 50-50 on the Cardinals exciting me or depressing me this week during the winter meetings.
  • Yes London does have Christmas decorations and such for those that have asked. I assume the big tree is in Trafalgar's Square, I saw it there last December.
  • I was supposed to update the layout of the blog but I have been distracted for a bit.
  • Home/Friends/Family are going to be so much fun over the Holidays after not seeing America for 7 months. Can't wait to try the little things like Wendy's, walking Cooper, and seeing some real sports in normal daylight hours.
  • Oh one more, the sun is setting before 4:00 here. I thought I didn't like this time of the year in the South because of the early sunset.

Enough of the ramblings for a bit.