Dec 11, 2008

More Thoughts

  • Sometimes I miss the most obvious things. (Misspelling random)

I forgot to add the whole reason why I started the Random Thoughts post

  • I haven't had a DP in well over 2 weeks now. For anyone that knows me, something must be wrong. Who knows why I stopped. I guess I just wanted to show that I could. I had been down to 1 can a day since being in the UK and on the last day it took my over 9 hours to sip through the it. Water intake is way up though since being here. I am like a friggin camel now.
  • Second thing I forgot, it is now under 9 days until I can take a shower. The studio we are in only has a bathtub with a hand spray deal. I haven't had a shower since Spain in August. Showers are one of the most relaxing parts of my day. Just one of those things I have always enjoyed.


Mom said...

Can you imagine..standing straight up with a shower nozzle above you. Its the little things in life....
Oh, I was going to tempt you with a Dr. Pepper (the real thing)..Guess not now..You'll be a better man for it in the long run..HaHa! Oh crap, just have one.

Unknown said...

I just had my 4th DP today. Full of vitamins... right?

Also, was I supposed to be walking Cooper? Uh oh.

daron said...

Coop is probably due for his yearly walk. I dawned on me today that I get to see that little twerp in about 2 and a half weeks.

We'll see if the DP strike is a phase or not. I can't say I feel any change or anything.