Jun 18, 2011


It's no secret that Nikki and I really like relaxing with movies. With work being slow right now, even though there appears to be some good news on the horizon, we took in a few movies over the last month.

Hangover 2 - The first Hangover has to be close to being my favorite comedy of all time. I think it had been awhile since I had seen such a fresh comedy. Well, in my opinion they kept the same formula for the second one. Even if it is a bit predictable and in the exact same mold, I still laughed a bunch. Good movie to see, but I left the theater hoping for more.

Super 8 - Nikki's choice, b/c I hadn't seen much about it. Good, campy movie in the style of Goonies or something. I think I went in thinking it was going to be a little more of a thriller than a campy film. It was decent, but not worth the price of admission.

X-men:First Class - Comic movies are usally a big miss with me. But this one really caught my eye. I can say I really enjoyed this movie. I loved the ties to historical events and introducing the backgrounds of characters that I read about way back when. Great movie and it really seemed to have a control on the visuals and special effects which I enjoyed.

But now to what I can't wait for.

I saw this trailer a few weeks back while looking up what David Fincher was up to. Fincher has been one of my favorite directors since Se7en and Fight Club. I had heard of the books, but never found the right time to read them in my backlog of reading material. It appears that I need to read the first one before X-mas. Maybe I am a schmuck for interesting cover music and flashy images, but I have watched this trailer several times already.

And one more trailer that appeals to me. Probably only me, b/c of the subject matter.