Jun 18, 2011

Meet Suki

I had the "Movies" post in the think tank (ha) last night when I got a surprise. So today you get a twofer on posts ...

Nikki went for a walk last night, a little later than normal. I was working (playing) on computer stuff, like the other post, so I didn't go. She wasn't home in her normal time, so I sent her a text. The reply surprised me. She said that she found a very young and small kitten up by the road close to a shopping area. I didn't hear another response from her, so I decided she may need help with it or something else might have happened. I was loading up supplies and food when she walked in with the tiniest black cat.

Suki, what we are tentatively calling her now, is basically skin and bones, but playful. We have checked around and can't find any signs or evidence that anyone is missing a kitty. Cooper may just have a new roomie.

Cooper is happy about whatever in the world he thinks the small thing is.

We started exploring this morning. She seems fine and eating all she can. Poor little thing is adorable and loves running around and playing. She could really care less about the beast that outweighs her by 65 lbs. She was courageous enough to get within a foot of him before bounding off.

Cooper does watch her and his belongings.

She found his food though...

And she enjoys TV time.

Plus sleeping a bunch. No telling what she thinks but her world is totally different from 24 hours ago. She was about 10 feet from 5 lanes of traffic. I told Nikki she was smelling Bojangles and you really messed her up. Ha.

Nikki is out walking again, but claims to be ignoring the sounds in the bushes tonight.

It's no secret that Nikki and I really like relaxing with movies. With work being slow right now, even though there appears to be some good news on the horizon, we took in a few movies over the last month.

Hangover 2 - The first Hangover has to be close to being my favorite comedy of all time. I think it had been awhile since I had seen such a fresh comedy. Well, in my opinion they kept the same formula for the second one. Even if it is a bit predictable and in the exact same mold, I still laughed a bunch. Good movie to see, but I left the theater hoping for more.

Super 8 - Nikki's choice, b/c I hadn't seen much about it. Good, campy movie in the style of Goonies or something. I think I went in thinking it was going to be a little more of a thriller than a campy film. It was decent, but not worth the price of admission.

X-men:First Class - Comic movies are usally a big miss with me. But this one really caught my eye. I can say I really enjoyed this movie. I loved the ties to historical events and introducing the backgrounds of characters that I read about way back when. Great movie and it really seemed to have a control on the visuals and special effects which I enjoyed.

But now to what I can't wait for.

I saw this trailer a few weeks back while looking up what David Fincher was up to. Fincher has been one of my favorite directors since Se7en and Fight Club. I had heard of the books, but never found the right time to read them in my backlog of reading material. It appears that I need to read the first one before X-mas. Maybe I am a schmuck for interesting cover music and flashy images, but I have watched this trailer several times already.

And one more trailer that appeals to me. Probably only me, b/c of the subject matter.

Jun 8, 2011

New Cardinals

No wonder the Cardinals are doing so well!
(sorry the embed isn't working)
