Apr 3, 2011


After a couple ballgames, the Space Center and making our way down to Miami, it was time to board the ship. I think the appeal of a cruise to us is the destinations more than the boat. We do like waking up in different cities every day. We decided on Carnival this time. It was nice, but probably not as nice as our first cruise with Celebrity. Seemed like there wasn't as much food variety and at times the quality wasn't as good. Plus the ship decor was straight out of Vegas and the layout wasn't that great. Don't get me wrong though, we had a blast and there were a few things that were better than our last cruise.

The shear monstrosity of these boats always amazes me.

The thing we learned from the first cruise was to always choose a balcony. It allows for an escape from the 4000 or so people. The thing we learned this time, when choosing a room make sure it isn't across the hall from a crew door that they use constantly through the night. But we opened our balcony door and the sounds of the sea quickly drowned the other sounds out.

Buffet area.

Carnival did have a better gym.

The ship also had a big TV for movies at night.

This is Glory's sister ship. It was traveling around the Caribbean in a clockwise motion on the same itinerary while we were going counter-clockwise.

A lot of jet skiers came out for our wake when we left port.

Numerous bars, all with similar style.

After dinner chess.

I loved seeing other cruise ships at night.

Look closely, especially in the upper left corner. I was watching Nikki jog (yep i was on vacation) when I saw 14-16 dolphins swimming 12 stories below us.

Our main dining area.

This ship did have a few more entertainment options if you didn't want to water buffalo around the small pools.

Out little retreat when we wanted to getaway from the getaway.

The steakhouse dinner (more private, a little extra cost) was well worth the fee even if all they had was corn fed beef.

The server in the center, Martina, was our main server for the week in the main dining. She was the best and such a pleasure to talk to. All of the service was bar none.

We really lucked out with our dining arrangement. We chose late dining this time, which was better and allowed a little sushi snack when we came back on to the ship from a city. Plus it was only 4 of us. Scott and Jessica from Maine were such a pleasure to eat with most nights. We really enjoyed seeing them at dinner time and exchanging stories from our day. Hopefully we can stay in touch with them because they are worth it.

Towel art. Wonder if I can make one look like Cooper.

There must have been a shotgun start to the fishing day when we landed in Grand Caymen. Boats went every which way.

A late night snack for someone. I heard it wasn't as good as it looks.

Probably the best example of the ship's decor. Vegas cheesy/gaudy was our name for the whole style. but some people must like it. The picture isn't the point, really, it is more that the colors in it are found throughout the ship.

Tough to get a picture of all the flashing LED signage for everything.

Someone was an early bird.

Seems like random crew guys in the halls take better pictures than the expensive setup booths.

Yep, someone was up early to catch our arrival back into Miami. Trust me, I was sleeping.