Apr 10, 2011


Our last port was George Town on Grand Cayman Island. We took it very easy on this day and just walked around the island.

7 mile beach is a must if you ever go to Cayman. The sand and water is picture perfect. It was not that hard to relax lounging around here.

After some more walking around, and a stop at a rum cake shop, we ended up at a stop in the road labeled Hell. There are some old lava rocks here that the captialized on, but not much else. Just a fun loving older couple that run the general store and their every comment has to have the word 'hell' in it. Fun stuff for a break. Oh yeah, the man was wearing a devil's costume also. But we can say we survived Hell.

We didn't take a lot of pictures in Cayman for some reason. But it was just as much fun as the other places. We did shop a bit and had a great day just bumming around.