Mar 19, 2009

Barcelona - Pt4 - End

No trip to Barcelona is complete without a good dose of Gaudi's work, especially since he is one of my favorite architects. We took in a couple of the houses at night since we had seen them a couple years back and we saw Sagrada Familia on our final day. We were not able to go up in the towers on our first trip there due to rolling power outages because of the excessive heat. No problems with too much heat this time. I think they have made some progress in the 18 months since we were there, but it is such a mammoth project that it is hard to tell. We noticed conflicting reports on its completion, 2020 or 2025. I think we have some time to see it another time or two before it is done.

We spent a lot of our time wandering the streets and just relaxing. What a great trip and due to worldwide economic problems, it wasn't all that pricey either. I think we both wish we were headed on a cruise like we did a couple years back from here, but we know those days will come again soon. Overall, it was great to spend a week here and especially with my future wife. I am glad that I have someone like her in my life. Especially since she indulges my fantasies of travel and adventures.


Nikki said...

good picture selections. Theone of us is one of my fav's.

I miss you madly.