Feb 26, 2009

Thursday Bits

  • Only 9 days until Nikki returns to the UK for Spring Break. Having a great girl, makes the separation slightly easier. I can't say we are enjoying it, but we are very supportive of one another.
  • A couple quick days for her in London, then off to Barcelona for a few days. I am glad flights and hotels are cheap once you get on this side of the pond. Returning to Barcelona should be just the break we need. I can't wait. Gaudi, Las Ramblas, the markets, the Gothic Quarter, the food and hopefully some warmer weather.
  • London reached 50 degrees this week. I heard one guy mention how warm it felt outside. No matter how long I stay here, I don't think I will get used to the weather and lack of sun. These factors definitely effect the moods here.
  • Good thing that the Cardinals have taken the field for Spring Training games, because UK and MSU are going out with a whimper down the stretch.
  • There is not much room in my life for loud, obnoxious, ostentatious people, but I am a firm believer that we are never given anything that we cannot handle.
  • This season of 24 is amazing. Lost is confusing, but can't stop watching now. I am loving the sites of the Amazing Race. Can't wait to see Switz, Austria, and Germany some day. Oh I have the tripped planned, just waiting until the world rights itself again.
  • Nikki has discovered the secret of keeping a Cooper happy, vines. The little dog could pull vines all day if you let him.
  • I like the idea that if people don't like the stimulus package that passed, they should refuse the checks or breaks if they feel so strongly about it. Because of it, the NC Gov sped ahead on the completion of our outer belt loop. She accelerated the schedule 6 years. That has to save money in the long run. There will be many examples for and against, but I believe any action is better than inaction. The lack of action here, or minimal action, has people extremely worried and stressed that the UK will be down for a long while. Only time will tell, but I am an eternal optimist living in a land of hardened pessimists.
  • Not mush else going on inside this cloudy head. I am learning that Chinese meals are very simple to cook. Not sure why this revelation took me so long to figure out.
  • It is good to hear well wishes from old friends. I have formed some great friendships over my time.
  • I love having something to look forward to or a goal. When I don't, I am grumpy. But being that optimist that I am, I usually have something cooking in the background.