Feb 17, 2009

Menu for One

After posting the cupcake post, it dawned on me that I haven't posted any of the food I have been cooking lately. I received an Indian, a tapas, and a soups cookbook for x-mas. Love them all, but sadly I didn't need to migrate anymore books to the UK. I was able to cook a good tapas meal for Nikki before I left. It included my first try at a pizza (chorizo, onions, mushrooms). Pretty amusing, but delicious. So on to what has been cooked up here over the last few weeks.

  • Sweet & sour prawns (shrimp) w/ coconut milk risotto - I was wondering how easy it was to cook simple Chinese meals. This taught me that I will probably never order S & S meals from Chinese places again. Extremely simple to make.
  • Seared tuna w/ a ginger, cilantro, pepper sauce - I must be going through a sauce phase.
  • Venison 5 bean chili - I love that you can by game meat in the groceries here.
  • Sweet & hot pepper chicken lettuce wraps - Tried this one too soon after the first wisdom tooth extraction, but oh well I am not much on following instructions.

Not too bad for a couple of weeks. Plus it gives me something to do and to experiment with. Now I have ill advised proteges following my madness. Dad cooked a puerto rican style barbecue based on what I cooked at x-mas. He said it turned out great. Well we are both a long way from spaghetti nights. Don't get me wrong, I still miss spaghetti night and we managed to have one of them at x-mas also.