Oct 6, 2008

So What's Up?

- I have been in a deadline push since we returned from our trip South. I thought I wrapped the majority of my part on the 2 prison competitions in the UK Wednesday, then Friday, and even received a call to help out on Sunday. But today it has been submitted to the Government and I am moving on to the next projects. I can't say I found working on a project here as rewarding as I did in the States. Maybe it is because I am missing the quality staff in Charlotte.
- Nikki started school last week, after an orientation week and such. I believe all of her class scheduling has settled down and she believes she is going to enjoy it all. But it is going to be a tough 3 months. Judging by the amount of books and papers in the Studio, I think she is well prepared for the term.
- Weather has already turned here. Low 40s when we woke this morning and we had a cold, windy, dreary rain yesterday. Chances are it will be that way until May. I guess people just get used to that expense in order to live in a quality city like London. I can't say I am use to it, but May to Sept might be ok here, if I had more of my belongings and few of the old friends here.
- Politics? It has been interesting to see how people here view our Presidential Election versus views from home. I am trying to find a good quote about how Palin is viewed here from a paper yesterday, but I am struggling. Quite funny, and not all that flattering. We have been watching the debates and been able to keep up with it all enough from here. At least Tina Fey has the opportunity to say what I hope everyone is thinking. Hopefully there will be some good news come November. Our votes are already in.
- Sports? I am still smiling about the Cubs and it looks like my NFL team might be starting to heat up (after another win or so, I might start saying their name again) along with a good start from my adopted team, Carolina. Maybe I will have some more sports to occupy the rest of our time here. MSU? well, not much to say there this year, but they can still cause a little havoc with some teams if they can sustain an offense.

Besides all of that, I am just counting the days. December 20th, we will be in Charlotte. Can't wait to see all our family and friends over the Holidays.