Jan 10, 2011

Catching Up

Seems like November and December just flew by this year. The year itself passed rapidly. Wasn't it just yesterday that we were on a beach in Costa Rica getting married? Oh well, to the present.

We decided to do a Christmas card this year. I thought it turned out pretty decent for only a couple hours of work. Good thing we have the pup of many faces.

The first half of our holidays were spent with Nikki's family this year. Those pictures are on a drive somewhere that frankly I can't remember where she said she put them right now. I will have to get to them later. Once I finally get motivated to do something, I better keep it rolling I guess.

It snowed about a foot the day after Christmas at our family's house outside of Raleigh. Signs of the snow still lingered in the mountains on our trip over to TN a few days later.

I like stretching the holidays out a little longer now. I think everyone else seems to also. Especially when we all get to play in Dad's basement for a few days. The train sets and doll houses are a nice break between the fierce games we play. No need to say who won what games here.

Dad must have practiced that face for awhile.

We did manage to get out of the house for a bit of roller skating one night. It was both of the kids first time skating. I think they will be going back.

Sleeping through lunch. Wow.

I am glad we could spend some time with my mom's side of the family. But it is hard to take a picture with all of us looking the right way.

More lazy movie time. Others not pictured were trying to play Monopoly. Like I said earlier, no reason to say who won.

There was also some real good football played over the break. Congrats MSU football on a really good year. I can't wait to see what the future holds for the program.

And finally more snow this morning. Maybe Costa Rica isn't such a bad idea.