Jul 26, 2010

Birthday Wishes

It is that time of year where there are 3 birthdays within a couple days. Best wishes to you all.
First off, a special gal turned a little older this year (but I think next year is a big one). I know you secretly wanted to make the Tinker Bell cake for yourself instead of for Kaylie in a couple weeks. Go ahead, you deserve it. And you know I have the other couple glamour pics also.

Our good friend Mary and our little one share a birthday every year. That makes it one of the easiest birthdays to remember for people with bad memories like me. John gave Mary one of the best presents I have seen in awhile. I am totally jealous. Their Cooper makes a guest appearance in the picture also. We hope you had a great Birthday Mary.

Finally, the prince himself turned 8 on Friday and per the last picture, he developed a new talent. How could I resist getting this little guy from the first pic? Coop, you are a pup of many expressions and moods. I am glad you provide a little comic relief around here.


akbelcher said...

You know what you can do with those pics dont you.