Jul 31, 2010

Uh yeah ...

It was MLB's first trade deadline today and anyone that has taken a second to talk to me realizes that I don't think the Cardinals' deal made much sense. In honor of that, a few more nonsensical things.

Jul 26, 2010

Birthday Wishes

It is that time of year where there are 3 birthdays within a couple days. Best wishes to you all.
First off, a special gal turned a little older this year (but I think next year is a big one). I know you secretly wanted to make the Tinker Bell cake for yourself instead of for Kaylie in a couple weeks. Go ahead, you deserve it. And you know I have the other couple glamour pics also.

Our good friend Mary and our little one share a birthday every year. That makes it one of the easiest birthdays to remember for people with bad memories like me. John gave Mary one of the best presents I have seen in awhile. I am totally jealous. Their Cooper makes a guest appearance in the picture also. We hope you had a great Birthday Mary.

Finally, the prince himself turned 8 on Friday and per the last picture, he developed a new talent. How could I resist getting this little guy from the first pic? Coop, you are a pup of many expressions and moods. I am glad you provide a little comic relief around here.

Jul 10, 2010

St Louis

I am glad we topped our trip to Dad's off with a couple day jaunt to St Louis for our almost yearly trip to a couple games. The ballpark tour was a good twist also.

Stinking tour.

Jul 8, 2010

Family/St Louis

A couple of the lures to come back to Paris were seeing Dekan play t-ball and the cookout Dad was hosting. Neither disappointed. We seldom sat for any length of time while we were in Paris this trip, but we enjoyed every minute that we could spend with everyone.

And after a week of fun...

Jul 7, 2010


I was able to take in some fishing with Dad, Glenn, Dekan and even Justin came up for da catfish. So much fun and oh so perfectly relaxing, when you are catching some. We had good luck everyday and even saw some things we have never seen.

Our fishing spot on Kentucky Lake. I was able to see it at 5 AM every morning.

Twice we saw river otters. 3 white ones and 1 regular one. I could not believe it. The 2nd day we saw them, 1 was followed by a raccoon. But we will get to that rascal in a second.

We came home with double digits every time we went.

Justin was so proud of his first catfish, no matter what size it was.

How does that happen on a single cast?

Now to the rascal.

(Click the pic to zoom in some.) You can see how close he was to our bobbers. He walked on down the rocks. Just messing around. Dad had left a stringer full of fish tied up for us to grab when we went in. We didn't think anything about the raccoon or the fish, until we saw him pull the stringer up and start trying to pull a fish off.

The little guy was trying his best to pull the fish off before we could get the boat over there. Oh well, I still gave him the fish.
What a great time!!! I am so glad that I could spend some time with all the family that got to go out fishing those days.