Mar 22, 2010

Costa Rica

I have amassed about 3/5 of the pictures and I guess it is time to start posting them. Since I still have a few coming in, I am going to probably post the pics in a non-sequential nature. If that is the case I better share a bit on how the trip progressed.

Day -1 - Atlanta - Nikki and I met Justin and Kathy down in Atlanta on Saturday before our flight out on Sunday morning. Seeing Justin a couple times in a month meant a lot to me since I was nearing a significant day in my life. We sat back and watched State get stomped by UT, so we knew our trip would cheer us up a bit.

Day 1 - Atlanta/San Jose/Arenal - The 4 of us had a good flight down to warmer weather. Nikki's family (Colleen, Pat, Rachel and Kelly) left out of Raleigh that morning and were due in shortly after we landed. We never caught up with them at the airport, but we were both headed up to the Arenal Volcano area. All books state that the roads in Costa Rica are treacherous, but I am not sure words can accurately describe them. Extremely curvy and and hilly, but we made it up to Arenal with only a couple scares. We managed to find the other party, so our trip had begun. Our hotel was amazing, something out of Lost, and the hot springs felt great after a day of traveling.

Day 2 - Arenal - Refreshed and ripping to go, our 4 took off for a half day of rafting. The rapids were a little more active than we expected, but it was by far one of the best activities of the trip. The tour group was perfect also. We tried to catch a glimpse of the lava from the volcano at night, but the volcano was shielded by overcast skies.

Day 3 - Arenal/San Jose/Santa Teresa - After we hiked around the hanging bridges, it was another day of travel. Back to San Jose to pick up Amanda and Glenn and then a short flight over to our final stop. Nikki's family would be on their way also and meet up with us at our hotel. When we all met up and settle in to our hotel, we had a truly fantastic meal. We were so glad everyone was together now.

Day 4 - Santa Teresa - Justin, Kathy, Amanda, Glenn and I went fishing in the morning. Then we met up with Nikki and enjoyed a beach day in the afternoon. That night we grilled the days catch.

Day 5 - Santa Teresa/Montezuma - The 6 of us headed over to Montezuma area and hiked a wildlife park and then took in a zipline/canopy tour. That night Nikki and I were treated to one of my favorite meals ever at a amazing little beach side restaurant.

Day 6 - The day- Santa Teresa/Montezuma - The day was here, but we went with Nikki's family over to a wildlife sanctuary/rehab center near Montezuma, what a touching place. We parted ways with the family and took in some more shopping in Montezuma before it was time for the festivities to begin. My side hit the beach that morning. then it was time for the wedding. First we had the ceremony at another hotel on the beach where we had champagne and Japanese inspired hors d'Ĺ“uvres. Then back to our hotel, where we waited pool side for dinner prep with fruit apps and sangria. Next we had our meal. And finally we went back pool side for the cake cutting and our own little concert from an Argentine band. I forgot to add that we had music along with us the whole day.

Day 7 - Santa Teresa - Recovery day, ha. Beaches, shopping and some of us drove up the coast to see what else there was to see.

Day 8 - Santa Teresa/San Jose - A short, but memorable flight back and a night in San Jose. Our hotel in San Jose was outstanding.

Day 9 - San Jose/Atlanta/Charlotte - back to reality. What an amazing trip.

I know I was short on details and names, but they will all come with the multitude of pictures that I am about to start posting.