Oct 18, 2009


As many of you know, my mother passed away this last Monday. It was a moment in time that I had long prepared myself for, but there still was a shock to it all. I am glad she didn't suffer any more by having an extended stay in the hospital or anything like that. but selfishly I wish I could have hugged her once last time. We talked on Saturday as we often did. I asked her how she was doing and she gave me the line that she did every time I asked, "about the same". Then she always proceeded to ask about Nicole and Cooper, and like ever so often about James. The focus was always about how everyone else was doing and never about her. Our conversations over the years became more brief, but they always had an impact on me. She taught me so much just by persevering all these years and by keeping the focus on others. You'll be missed mom, but I know you are walking again right now.

Thanks to everyone that checked in on us over the last week and to everyone that showed up in Paris. Your thoughts and care for our family has been greatly appreciated. Thanks to everyone that sacrificed a little bit of their lives to make ours a little more comfortable. I am so proud to have the family, friends, and the future wife that I do.

The below picture was taken at Busch Stadium during her last ballgame in September. Even though we weren't there for that game, it will always be one of my favorite pictures of her.

Judy Speight
Dec. 8th, 1951 - Oct. 12th, 2009


Mom said...

oh Daron, that is so sweet. If you need anything, just let us know. that is a very nice pic of your Mom and Dad. Colleen and Pat