In an effort to try to get things back to normal, I decided to go ahead with the Hike that Justin and I had planned. We continued our sectional hiking of the AT by going from Standing Indian Mtn to Wayah Bald, around 35 miles in 2 1/2 days. The trip was tremendous for me, probably because I felt pretty good the whole time and it allowed me to think and walk for awhile. The fall colors were outstanding, not sure the cameras picked up the true beauty of our surroundings. We had a couple good animal sightings also. We met a small boar walking the opposite way on the trail the first day and within a mile of our destination I saw my first black bear on the trail. Moments like these tend to return me to a child like state. The weather was amazing and we met some great people on the trail that hopefully we will see again some day. Yep, hiking helped me out a lot. I am glad Justin was able to come back to Charlotte for a little post birthday celebrations also. It just dawned on me, I didn't get any cake. I don't think a birthday is over until you have cake.
FYI, if you plan a hike or trip of any sort, don't forget your shoes under the table when you leave. I was able to buy some more, but my blistered feet didn't seem to agree with them.