Sep 6, 2009

September Already?

All is well, especially here sitting in my chair. Nikki is back in school and well Coop is still maintaining his 18 hours of sleep minimum for a day (or there about). We had a good relaxing summer of just catching back up on little things we have missed out on over the last year. I thought back to last year and it dawned on me that we were about to get our stuff stolen in Portugal tomorrow one year ago. If I could only rev up the Delorean and go back to warn us that something was about to happen. Ha. The truth is, we handled that situation mighty well and it was just a little speed bump on our trip. I guess it shows our character a bit, plus it taught me to back files up a little more often and to never think that keeping a blackberry and our extra cash hidden in a computer bag was a good thing. Like I said, it was just a snag.

No real, concrete news on the job front for me, but there appears to be some momentum picking up with one group that I have been talking to for a very long time. I haven't felt this comfortable with a group of architects in a long time. I recently read where 40% of all architects in Charlotte are laid off, plus firms are still laying people off and I have even heard of some potential firm closings. Times are tough, but I think I am in a good position for when firms get the green light on hiring. This firm that I have been dancing with for a while submitted my name with theirs as an expert consultant the other day. It made me feel real good again to see a team that values my expertise when others tend to forgot the ones they rode to get them where they are. I have no animosity to that former group, because I knew what I was dealing with all along.

Happier tunes. Cards are running away with their division. 31 straight games without losing ground to the Cubbies. That's a new MLB record and an amazing one at that. I predict major changes in Chi-town this off season. It looks like their fans would give up on them after 101 years of losing.

I just heard the band Elbow last week. I know they have been around for awhile, but I am slow at times. They instantly became one of my new favorites.

And with those mindless nuggets, I leave you a few pics.