Jul 23, 2009


Happy Birthday Cooper!

It is weird to think that Coop has been around 7 years now and for that the majority of that time, he has been with me. I love the first picture I took of him looking up at me and seemingly being so glad he was leaving the pen in GA. I remember him rolling around in the floorboard for about 2 hours and then deciding he wanted to sit in the truck seat the rest of the way home.

I was in Europe for his last 2 birthdays, so I thought I would make it up to him today. I found a real quick recipe for a peanut butter, honey and carrot cake and added cottage cheese for icing. I made it nice and messy, hoping that it would not last long and that it might create some memorable pictures. Needless to say he enjoyed his first ever birthday cake and probably would have eaten the whole thing if we would have let him.

I truly believe animals and pets aide and comfort us at all times and I am so glad I found my snotty nose friend below.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Mr Cooper!

Mom said...

Cute pics. Congratulations on your 7 year anniversary together. Looks like he enjoyed his day!