Jul 6, 2009

4th and bits

Greetings from a guy enjoying a lazy Monday afternoon. We had a great 4th this year. I guess we can't top last year when we were able to spend it with Cary and Justin in London. Oh and that is where we met Tim (the face mask bachelor party guy). This year we enjoyed the Friday with James + family at the Pops in the Park. I am glad we made all 5 events this year and the fireworks were a splendid sent off. We expanded our typical fare to include some pizza for the finale. I think we both really enjoy our new pizza favorite, the Pizza Peel and the ants really enjoyed Nikki's pizza also. On Saturday we took in the Knights game. Nothing like baseball and more fireworks for the 4th. I really wish they would hurry up and move to the Uptown area. Nikki can attest to the fact that I would be there quite a few nights if they would move. Besides our 2 excursions, we had a nice and relaxing Holiday weekend.

  • RIP - Steve McNair - I have just realised over the last few days how much I admired this guy. Too bad that it appears the circumstances will put a tarnish on seemingly a great guy.
  • Congrats to the Cards All-Stars and they are still in 1st at the half way point of the season. A few tough games are left before the break, but hopefully they will take the majority of them.
  • I was really hoping the Palin resignation was b/c she was under Federal investigations. I guess she is just here to stay for a bit longer.
  • I had a great cooking week last week. First there was a sausage ragu that will be a keeper, then I tried stuffed Lamb loin wrapped in Prosciutto 2 different ways. One had an apricot stuffing and the other had rosemary wrapped in anchovies. Both were delicious. Maybe I need to take breaks from cooking more often for better results.
  • No real news on the job front. I am rather busy in the mean time and still discussing options with a few suitors. I would like to position myself for an enjoyable, non-draining job and while I can, I will be keeping my options open. But as I stated last time, I am really enjoying what I am doing in the mean time.
  • I can and can't believe Coop turns 7 this year. I have missed his last 2 birthdays, so I might have to do something special this year. Good thing he doesn't seem to mind much.
  • I have been doing some spring cleaning and I found where Nikki and I have lived together for over 2 years now. I am glad she is such an easy going roomie. We have started discussing the details for the little ceremony in Costa Rica. I think it is about a 90% go right now. Sacrificing a few things this year in order to have a great wedding with friends and family will probably be a highlight that we will never be able to top.

And on that note, so long 'til next time.


Amanda said...

glad to hear you are planning. Coop is really going to be 7? wow