Mar 14, 2009


Most people that read our blog knew that we were most likely going to get engaged while we were in Barcelona, but here is the whole story for everyone. Anyone that knows me well knows that I have not been that happy recently, more of a mindset of just coping with being here in London with Nikki in Charlotte. So I decided as soon as I left CLT that I have never let situations dictate the way I run my life. I had known for a bit that Nikki was the one, but I had not been able to find a ring that I liked. But I also thought the element of surprise would get away from if I didn't take advantage of her coming here for Spring Break. (We had already been talking about marrying early next year).
Barcelona is a city that we really enjoyed on our big trip in '07, so I knew the location. The ring was a different story. I found one I liked, but could not buy it here without paying the exchange rate, so I bought it in the US and had it shipped to a friend, James. I called James and devised a story that he wanted to get a care package to me, a book since I have been reading a bunch, but he wanted it to be a surprise. The ring would be in the package. He called Nikki, she picked up the package, and gave the 'surprise' package to me when she got here. I hid the ring from her for a few days.
I had 2 locations pre-picked around Barcelona. Sagrada Familia, which is one of my favorite churches or the Monastery at Montserrat. I figured the church would be crowded, but I wasn't sure Montserrat would be what I was looking for either. But after getting to Montserrat, I knew it would be. It sits about 3,000 ft up a mountain and is stunning.
After looking at the church there and around the complex, we took a hike up to one of the places where the monks made their hermitages. A small chapel had been made here with a open rock overlooking the valley in front of it off the trail. I asked Nikki if she wanted to sit for a bit, since we had been walking for a while. We sat talking about how far we could see down in the valley, how great the trip had been going, how fun it is to hike and just us in general. We were sitting, hugging, and just really enjoying being away from the other tourists. So that was the moment. I slipped the ring on my small finger, knowing that if fumbled it would be gone forever. Holding her with one arm, I asked her to marry me. There were 2 huge gasps and her voice trembled, right then I knew that she had never expected the surprise. It is pretty cool when I can still surprise her after being with someone as much as we have over the last couple years. She said 'yes' and then I had the fun of telling her that the ring had been in her possession for the last week. She was so excited that I don't think that part sunk in until later.
Anyway, the rest of the trip was amazing also. I am sooooo glad I could see the sun for a few days. More pics to come.
In the 2nd pic, you can see 'our rock' in front of the chapel. In the 3rd pic, you can see how far we were above the valley. Oh yeah, the 1st pic shows a very happy lady.


Nikki said...

I love you sweetie! Its not everyday someone as kind and as wonderful as you enters into the world. I am the luckiest girl in the universe. You thoughtfulness and sincerity brings peace into my life and the lives of others. The compassion and strength you exude to those around you, including me, bring comfort and trust into their lives. You are the greatest man I know and I see you with eyes that gaze upon the highest peak in earth, with all its magesty, promise and inspiration. You bring me hope and brighten my days even from the distance we share at this moment. Thank you for asking me to be your wife.

Daniel said...

I tried to leave a comment on here the other day but it wouldn't let me. I don't remember everything I said but i'm sure it included "congratulations!!" in it.
