Feb 1, 2009

News & Notes

As you can probably guess, I am a little bored over here. So here are a few random thoughts:

  • I don't watch much tennis, but a Nadal - Federer Major Final is a great way to start a day.
  • The Super Bowl party of 1 here believes there will be an upset. Cards 20 - Steelers 16.
  • Speaking of Cards, about 2 weeks until Spring Training. Woo hoo. I'll have a little more on my daily plate then. Too bad the Cards were a lot of hot air in the off season.
  • Tough weekend for UK and MSU bball, but there is Tuesday night to look forward to. (State travels to Rupp). The SEC is on life support this year, maybe a couple teams will get hot soon.
  • I had my first wisdom tooth extraction on Thursday. Not too bad. It was done within 15 minutes, but I think I might chew my gums in my sleep. My gums that attach the jaws are a little inflamed, like I chomped on them. Maybe that is b/c of ...
  • I did cook Sweet & Spicy Chicken w/ Chilies Lettuce Wrap on Friday Night. I am not the brightest at times, but I was feeling fine. Oh well, the gums are starting to subside now.
  • I think I would have taken a snow day or maybe some ice, instead of the consistency of London. Basically 30 - 40 since I have been here and rain has been a coin flip every day. Speaking of snow, I think we are supposed to get some soon. It will probably be a dusting.
  • I am up to date on the new seasons of Lost and 24. Loving 24 and some of the new characters. I am enjoying Lost, but well I am a little lost right now. I am almost caught up with the original CSI. I have been on a blitz since I have been back to watch last year's season and now this one. Still a great show.
  • You know, Nicole and I probably spent 95% of our time last year (outside of work/school) together and only a few instances with other friends and such. It looks like we would have worn on each other, but nope, I think if you asked either of us, this separation thing is pretty rough on us. I have so many people tell me how she is a keeper. Trust me, I knew that one a long time ago. We have such a good balance to our relationship. When you have that, even going to the grocery store is a fun event.
  • I miss Harris Teeter (my US grocery store). But groceries are cheaper here, just not as much to choose from.
  • The exchange rate hit 1.35 a week back. It is a long way away from the 2.2 or so we paid last summer. Lowest since 1984, so if any one has any spare change and wants to see London they have a room (well a loft). Flights are the cheapest I have seen in awhile also.
  • Nikki and Coop seem to be coexisting decently. But I am only getting one side of the story. I think Coop's depression has subsided a bit. That little dude can be quite a moody one.
  • I'll be honest and say I am homesick. I thought I put enough Wendy's in me to make this less painful, but that wasn't the case. When you are surrounded by so many people that enrich your life, it is tough to be so far away from them.
  • Good thing Gore invented the Internet and British Telecom gives me unlimited calls to States for £5 a month. I am not sure how I would deal with being away from home if it wasn't so easy to stay in contact.
  • Another good thing about having great friends and family, we'll be able to pick right back up where we left off when I do return.

Enough rambling for now. I have to find a way to entertain the Super Bowl watching crowd for a bit , since it doesn't start here until 11.30. Oh well, it will remind me of home for a bit.