Feb 14, 2009

A Great Day

What a good day. First, it is my nephew's 3rd birthday. Happy Birthday Dekan. I wish I was there with you instead of many miles away. (4,248 miles) I can't believe you are 3 already. What a great little man. Make sure you figure out the best new designs to show me with all the Lincoln logs you have now.

Secondly, it is a good day because I can still share it with the love of my life even if we have to be miles apart. (3,995 miles) You are such a great person that continually enriches my life and makes me strive to be a better person. Our relationship is something I didn't know if I could ever have and it is even greater than I could ever imagine. I can't wait to see you and head off for a little holiday in a few weeks. Happy Valentine's Day my love.

And lastly, the Cardinals started Spring Training. It is going to be an interesting camp, but I like the new youth movement with the Cards. Going to a game in Spring Training a few years back was one of my favorite baseball orientated trips. Too bad I am a few miles from it this year. (4,368 miles)

Even though about everything I love is miles away right now, I realize how lucky I am to have so many great things in my life.


Amanda said...

very sweet post. thank you

Unknown said...

Cheers to Dekan, Nikki and the Cards!