Jul 9, 2008

It begins...

Time for a blog? How did I come to this decision? Well, it seems like I spend a lot of my free time emailing pics and such feverishly trying to keep everyone updated on our life here in London. Add in being slightly jealous of my sister's blog ;) and feeling like I might have a bit to contribute to the cyberworld now. Then mix in a dose of never properly sharing things that have happened in my life with all. The result will be this loose production of documenting our lives.

Hopefully, and with any luck, we'll be able to show you all what we have done here and maybe take some time to even show you how we got here. It will be easy to distinguish who is posting, because one will have a great deal of eloquence and the other will be a little haphazard due to a warming New Castle or a tight ballgame.
