Mar 31, 2011

A Little Trip Preview

I realize it takes me forever to do anything anymore. But let's get started. I decided to surprise Nikki with a trip for our first anniversary. She has known something was up since Christmas, but didn't really figure it out until the end of February. So here is a little preview of our last couple of weeks.

Kennedy Space Center - I wasn't sure we would be able to see the full Cardinals roster on the Saturday before the main part of our trip began, so I added a couple days in order to catch another game up the coast. In turn, it allowed us to go to the Space Center. What an absolutely amazing place and experience.

Cardinals - We were also able to catch a couple games. I gave 5 my opinion on his contract, told him the bill was in the mail. I figured at $30 mil + a year, we should sit close in to him in case money just fell out of his pocket. Oh yeah, we are within 2 hours of first pitch of Opening Day today. What a great day.

Cruise - The main body of the trip was a cruise around the Western Caribbean. A lot of fun and relaxation that I think we both needed. We are not 100% sold of future trips with Carnival, but we did have a great time.

Tulum, Mexico - Our first stop was Cozumel, Mexico. From there we took a boat to the main land and ended up at the Mayan ruins of Tulum. Probably the most informative tour we have ever been on. It sets on a cliff over the ocean. Truly a great place to see, even if it was misting rain.

Belize - Our second stop was cave tubing outside Belize City, Belize. That isn't something everyone can say they have done.

Maya Key, Honduras - Stop 3 was Mahogany Bay on Isle Roatan off of Honduras. From there we went to a small, private island for the day. the animal sanctuary and snorkeling here was fabulous.

Grand Caymen - Our last stop was the Caymen Islands. I won't bore you with the picture perfect turquoise waters yet. We made a brief stop into a small blip in the road called Hell while we were there. At least, Hell is near paradise I guess.

More Cruise - We had a couple sea days also. there were a few other folks on board.

Miami - We savored the last couple of days of the trip while we were in Miami. We sure do miss that warm weather and sunshine right now.

More pics to come over the coming days.

Mar 14, 2011

Passing the Time

Most of you know I have been a little busier lately. Hopefully all this hard work is about to pay off into something I can share and be proud of soon. Until then a couple fws I received this last week. I have been itching to hike lately and really wish I had the time and stamina to hike the entire trail. Maybe that will be a future goal to work toward. My next post, in a few weeks, will at least be exciting because we have a nice vacation coming up on Thursday. We can't wait!

Green Tunnel from Kevin Gallagher on Vimeo.