Sep 20, 2010

Rome Burns Again

Thought this video was interesting. We have been thinking about our time in Rome recently. Mainly because we can't find the name of the pizza place we ate at twice. We only consider it the best pizza we have ever had. Oh well, an artist's presentation will have to satisfy my dreams of Rome for now. Actually, not sure how a video of Rome burning satisfies a longing, but it does make me remember how hot it was our first time there. Ok, enough rambling...

Here is a link to read more about the artists

Sep 18, 2010


As an early birthday getaway for me and us, we took off to Savannah and Atlanta for a 3 day weekend. Savannah was humid, as usual, but it was good to get down there for a day. We went to Tybee Island for an afternoon and another highlight was a great dinner at the Pink House. I had almost forgotten how scenic Savannah is, but I didn't take many pictures for some reason.

I had never been down to the far end of Tybee Island. I couldn't believe how far the beach stretched out into the Ocean. What a nice relaxing way to spent an afternoon. I think we are longing for beach property one day. Maybe back in Costa Rica. Hey we can dream.

I had also forgotten about the candy shops.

The houses are so beautiful, but so many need repair also.

We had great seats for both of the games in Atl. Plus very good people to sit by also.

We were able to meet up with Lee Ann, one of Nikki's old friends and her family after we went to the Yellow Daisy Festival at Stone Mountain. It was good to see them, but the festival was a little much. Even though we bought a couple pieces of absolutely gorgeous pottery.

It takes intense concentration to root for the Cards down the stretch this year, ha.

Did someone lose their kid? Like I said, loved the seats and the fact that they won on Sunday didn't hurt. So the Cards went 2-2 in games that we were at this year. Sounds typical for them this season, but we had a great time.