May 17, 2010


Saturday was the culmination of Nicole's undergraduate studies in Earth Sciences. She graduated. It is easy to say that I am very proud of her, especially because she persevered over the last couple years with me dragging her around. There were days when she didn't know if she would ever see the finish, but I know that everything tastes much sweeter now that she reached her goal.

May 8, 2010

Phone Pics

I love having a camera on me at all times. So here are a few random pics over the last 6 weeks.

My future car? Triumph TR250 Might just have to make an offer for it one day.

Saw a hawk trying to fly when something fell from it. Mr bullfrog was about 8 inches long. No wonder why the hawk couldn't fly right.

Had to do a double take on this ladder setup.

So can some columns be removed at Home Depot? Not so sure about that.

Spring time.

Doesn't mention a thing about grumpy bulldogs or new wives.

A friend of mine has a bad habit.

Always look where the belt sander is going or move the friggin palm sander's cord.

Hail. Biggest I have seen in Charlotte

Bunny, you need to work on your hiding spots.